This section will provide updates in the media and show what is currently being done (or not done) to assist those with a mental illness.
Recent News:
VA To Study Benefits of MH Screening for Schoolchildren (March 8, 2015, Daily Press)
Mentally Ill? Drink A Smoothie (Feb 9, 2015, TAC/Wall Street Journal)
Redefining Mental Illness (Jan 17, 2015, New York Times)
The Americanization of Mental Illness (Jan 7, 2015, New York Times)
Thousands Converge On U.S. Capitol To Demand Mental.. (Sept. 4, 2014, Think Progress)
Robin Williams Suicide Should Spark A National Conv… (Aug 28, 2014, People’s World)
Mental Illness Does Not Mean Your Life Is Over (Aug 17, 2014, Seattle Times)
What Is The Right Therapy? (Aug 5, 2014, Coast Reporter)
Untreated Mental Illness An Imminent Danger? (June 8, 2014, CBS News 60 Minutes)
Fort Hood Shooting Renews Attention To Mental Health (April 6, 2014, MSNBC)
Creigh Deeds Tells Son’s Mental Health Horror Story (March 31, 2014, U.S. News &…)
Chronic Stress Predisposes Brain To Mental Illness (Feb 11, 2014, UC News Center)
Inside A Mental Hospital Called Jail (Feb 14, 2013, NY Times)
Fifty Years Of Failing The Mentally Ill (Feb 4, 2014, Wall Street Journal)
Creigh Deeds: ‘The System Failed My Son’ (Jan 27, 2014, CNN)
E.R. Costs for Mentally Ill Soar, And Hospitals Seek Better Way (Dec 25, 2013, NY Times)
Shameful Profiling Of The Mentally Ill (Dec 7, 2013, NY Times)
Mental Health Parity Rule Clarifies Standards…. (Dec 3, 2013, Kaiser Health News)
Immune System May Play Crucial Role In Mental Health (Dec 1, 2013, USA Today)
Mental Health Issues In College On The Rise (Dec, 2013, APA)
Early Care For Psychosis Catches On, Raises Questions (Nov 13, 2013, USA Today)
JFK’s Vision For Mental Health Care Languishing? (Oct 23, 2013, USA Today)
Why Mental Health Bed Cuts Make Me Ashamed To Work For The NHS (Oct 22, 2013, The Guardian)
More Mental Health Care Access Needed (Oct 21, 2013, CT Post)
Virginia’s Broken Mental Health System (Sept 21, 2013, The Virginian-Pilot) Written by The Chas Foundation
Prince Georges Mental Health Court Aims To Treat, Rather Than Jail, Defendants (Aug 18, 2013, Washington Post)
Abandoning The Shame of Mental Illness (Aug 16, 2013, LA Times)
For Those With Mental Illness, Stigma Runs Deep (Aug 11, 2013, CBS Evening News)